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Full Moon Camping Retreats _ Fall 2022 _ Dallin-097.jpg

Dallin Brimhall

~ Shamanic Healer ~

~ Licensed Massage Therapist ~

~Certified Yoga Instructor~

~ Reiki Master ~

~ Breath Enthusiast ~


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Dallin's Story

Starting out as a naive and trusting seeker, Dallin Brimhall walked a dark and lonely path. Surrounded by people because of his charm and charisma, he quickly learned that he lacked self-control, confidence, and love. Having no boundaries and plagued with addiction and his programmed ideas on sexuality, Dallin experienced an all time low in 2013 when he suffered his first manic episode. Found wondering around naked in the woods for three days and three nights with no food or water, Dallin was tazed multiple times by law enforcement and suffered a near death experience. When he found himself coming back-to he was being arrested and forced to walk down the mountain in shame of his nakedness by the local authorities with a whole crowd of onlookers. Taken to Utah Valley Hospital and put into the ICU for recovery, followed by the psychiatric unit, he was diagnosed bi-polar and forced to take medications. He quickly learned the flaws of the healthcare and justice systems having little to no training or education in psychology and a heightened stigma around mental illness. This lead him to the exploration of shamanism and doing things his own way rather than the abusive, toxic western approach. Well trained in energetic healing arts and alternative healing modalities, Dallin quickly became aware that his so called “mental illness,” was actually a spiritual gift that he could use to help others. 


Suffering multiple physical injuries in his 20’s such as dislocated shoulders, broken collarbone, back injuries and a broken neck, Dallin soon found himself addicted to heroin. This, topped with trauma from the death of his mother and sexual abuse in childhood, Dallin learned that there are many paths to healing. After finishing massage school in 2010 and going back to school for psychology at Utah Valley University, Dallin opened up a massage practice in 2017, where he is able to use physical bodywork combined with psychology and the spiritual aspects of shamanism to guide others through their own healing journeys. 


Dallin practices various forms of energy healing modalities in his life and with his work. He is Reiki Master and self-taught Emotion Code Practitioner. He is also well trained in breakthrough-belief and transformational work and trained under one of the best healers in Utah. He is an avid yogi of 16 years and a fifth generation disciple under Paramahansa Yogananda, who is known as father of yoga to the west and author of “Autobiography of a Yogi.” After getting certified with 200 hours of Astanga Yoga through The Yoga Underground, Dallin taught yoga in the communing for five years at Vasa Fitness, InBalance Yoga, and Purify Wellness. He loves any and all things yoga, and has immersed himself in many styles and practices. 


Dallin is now obsessed with getting “high” on life instead of drugs, and uses breath-work and pranayama, meditation, weight lifting, yoga, hiking, nutrition, and connecting with loved ones, nature and Spirit, to stay grounded and at peace. He considers himself a never ending student and continues to learn and practice what he preaches. He has overcome all of his addictions, embraces his sexuality, and finds the most joy in service to others. He has developed a rock solid foundation and love for God and no longer lives his life denying his feelings or suppressing his gifts. His dream is to witness and be a part of the building of a New Earth, dedicated to communities of peace and enlightenment. Dedicating himself to a life of service and an ongoing quest to know the truth, Dallin continues to seek personal healing and enlightenment. Trusting the process of spiritual growth and using the tools and wisdom gained along the way he now offers his gifts to the world. 


Dallin is co-creator of Full Moon Camping Retreats LLC, owner of I AM Sports Massage and Shamanism, and currently resides in Utah with his partner and their two cats. He is in the process of finishing his I AM (Integrative Affirmational Mindfulness)™ system, which consists of 26 oracle cards with yoga postures and affirmations. 

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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